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Will you join us and help change the world for a child?

There are over 8 million orphans in the world, according to UNICEF. Many of them live in institutional orphanages in unimaginable conditions, where their most basic needs are not met. The children are often hungry, scared, confused and lonely.

Even when managed by people with good intentions, orphanages often lack the necessary funds, resources and knowledge to properly provide for the children in their care. The fact is, most of the children in these institutions don’t stand much of a chance of breaking out of the cycle of poverty and thriving as independent adults.

We’re out to change that.

But we’re not going to do it by showing you pictures of suffering children. We’re going to show you results.

And we’re going to do it by giving you the facts. The photos on this page are just some of the kids we’ve already helped, with smiles on their faces. We give these children more than just meals and a bed…we give them hope. We give them education and a future. And we give them love.

Whenever it’s possible, we work with children’s families to reunite them so they can grow up in a real home, with their own family. That’s our primary objective. And when that’s not an option, we work to provide the kind of family experience in neighborhood homes or community settings that children need to thrive. For those children without families or other options, we provide support and education to transform institutional care into a loving and supportive childhood, preparing them for success in life. Our goal is to make organizations like ours unnecessary by 2040.

Are you ready to join us?

The numbers are staggering. And so are the opportunities to change lives.

Sign up for our free eNewsletter and learn more.

Ready to learn how you can make miracles and change the world for orphans
in India, Africa, America, and around the globe?

Sign up for monthly emails to:

  • Read stories about the children we support and how their lives are being transformed.
  • See how Miracle Foundation’s approach is different. And how it’s creating miracles for orphans who desperately need—and deserve—them.
  • Explore different ways you can help empower orphans to reach their full potential.


What if…

  • Every child had a loving family?
  • There were systems in place to monitor and ensure they’re in the right place?
  • All children felt a sense of love and belonging?
  • You had a chance to be a hero? Would you?

About Miracle Foundation


Miracle Foundation believes that, in one generation, we can end the suffering of children without parents. We can find loving families for every single orphaned child. It will take a concerted effort from governments, NGOs and caring donors, but it is possible.

Miracle Foundation’s “Child First” approach is collaborative & community-based:

  • 80% of children living in institutions have a living relative. For these kids, Miracle Foundation makes every effort to reunite them with their birth families.

  • For abandoned children without family, Miracle Foundation’s measurable, systematic method ensures that kids are loved, educated, healthy and safe until they transition to a permanent family.

  • Miracle Foundation actively collaborates with governments, other non-profits and local family-strengthening organizations to transform systems and give children a voice.

We are a 501(c)(3)
Certified Organization
see documentation


81% of every dollar
donated goes to programs

Miracle Foundation

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