Help Children And Families

Here is your chance to make a difference in the lives of orphans and foster children by providing them with quality education and access to specialized support.

Join Us In Helping Children Find Families

Every child has the right to a safe, stable, and permanent home. And yet millions of children remain in orphanages, are removed from their birth family, or are moved too often between foster homes.

It’s time to change this.


Eliminating The Need For Orphanages

There are currently 5.4 million children living in orphanages worldwide. 80% of children in institutions have a family they could live with if given support.

We can prevent children from entering the orphanage system by uniting them with families through your donations.

Support From Around The World

Each gift you give will improve the life of a child.
Your contribution will be wisely invested in supporting foster families and orphans.

Children Impacted Through Our Work
Countries Supported by
Our Programs
Families Members Supported by
Our Programs

How Your Donation Helps

Each $50 you donate to charity provides vital financial support for foster families and orphans.

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Make a Donation & Help a Child Find Their Forever Home

Each gift you give will improve the life of a child.
Your contribution will be wisely invested in supporting foster families and orphans.

Stories of Impact

Read stories from children impacted by your contribution.


Watch video testimonials from our members

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Our common goal is to support orphans worldwide. By raising awareness about the needs of foster families, you can increase the chances of foster children and orphans receiving education and expert help from professionals in the field.

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The problems of orphans are our problems!

Let’s not forget that the difficulties faced by orphans are not just their problems, but ours too. By recognizing their struggles and taking action to support them, we can make a significant impact on their lives and create a better future for all.

Together, we strive to ensure that every child has the opportunity to grow up in a loving family and prevent the occurrence of orphanhood. In developed countries, residential institutions are often considered to be similar to places of imprisonment. The main issue concerning children who are raised outside the family is that they often experience loneliness. Without any adults nearby to provide support and protection during difficult times, orphans are left to face their challenges alone. The boarding education of the foster care system directly violates a child’s right to have a family, which can cause psychological harm and negatively affect entire generations.

Children spend years in boarding schools without love or affection, which leaves them lacking social skills, friends, and support for an independent life after graduation.

Also, many children are raised in dysfunctional families, which exposes them to the negative behavior of their parents and often leads to difficulties in adapting to society. However, with the determination of the orphans themselves, their guardians, and the support of the authorities, the community can overcome any challenges that arise.

We believe that every child who is orphaned should have the opportunity to grow up in a loving and capable family. Every child who requires support, rehabilitation, or preparation for independent living should receive the necessary assistance from a competent person or organization that helps orphans and foster families.

We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who cares about the plight of orphans and foster families and joins us in solving their problems. Thank you very much for your concern and willingness to help in our common cause. Together, we can support families before separation, reunite families, and reform entire foster care systems!


Miracle Foundation

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