The Miracle Blog

Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders: How Miracle Foundation’s Youth Council Started

Miracle Foundation’s Youth Executive Council began its journey in the summer of 2023, when two passionate teenagers, Zoey Li and Audrey Han, decided to turn their desire to make a difference into a reality. Audrey’s neighbor was deeply involved with the Miracle Foundation, which sparked their early interest, a curiosity that would soon evolve into a mission to empower teens to reshape the lives of vulnerable children in foster care and orphanages.  

Upon researching the organization and reading personal stories from the children that Miracle Foundation had helped, they were determined to not only improve the foster care system but also create a world where orphanages were no longer necessary. As they delved deeper into the Miracle Foundation’s initiatives, Zoey and Audrey identified an opportunity to bridge a gap: a shortage of volunteer opportunities for young people.

Zoey and Audrey contacted Miracle Foundation with their proposal for a Youth Executive Council. The concept was simple yet effective: a dedicated group of high schoolers working together to focus on advocacy, fundraising, and community service. Their inspiration from the council stemmed from a desire for collaboration, as Zoey stated: “We envisioned this journey as a team effort, driven by a desire to empower not only ourselves but also our peers to make a meaningful impact on the foster care system.” 

The Miracle Foundation staff embraced the idea wholeheartedly, recognizing the potential impact of allowing youth to use their voices in advocating for fellow children. Spurred by their belief that every child deserves a safe and permanent family, Miracle Foundation guided Audrey and Zoey throughout the initial planning for the council. This laid the foundation for future accessible youth-led charity work, including establishing long-term volunteer programs, chapters, and service projects. 

In October 2023, the Youth Executive Council was officially launched, working with high schools and teenagers across the country to innovate new ways to help vulnerable children. Recently, they’ve partnered with 4 high school campuses around Central Texas to raise over 1200 articles of new clothing for foster children – and this is just the beginning. 

As their journey progressed, Audrey reflected: “This drive allowed us to not only provide children with new clothes but also spread awareness on the lack of basic necessities in foster care. Being able to see the impact that this project had on both the foster children and our fellow high school students inspired us to keep moving.”

Audrey and Zoey extend an open invitation to all passionate youth, no matter their experience, age, or location. They encourage fellow young people not only to get involved with their community but also to be vocal advocates and trailblazers. Writing Miracle Foundation blog stories, creating and running current club chapters in local high schools, creating and donating gift baskets for foster teens, and organizing a spring fundraiser is just a glimpse of their recent ideas and initiatives. Students of all ages can become active leaders and participants in their future service projects.

The Youth Executive Council reminds us that a simple desire to give back can blossom into a movement capable of reshaping the foster future for the better. As we witness the council’s continued growth, we are reminded that positive change lies within the hearts and hands of passionate young individuals determined to make a difference.

Are you interested in joining the Youth Executive Council? Sign Up Here!

February 6, 2024 CATEGORY: News
Miracle Foundation

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